Apr 3, 2010

there's a crack in the vault of heaven

Astrologers can manipulate time?!?! 

Nah, but Alexander perhaps... (?!) .. This guy's just an idiot like all the rest of shepherds who are blinder than the flock they think is following their directions instead of itself:

The difference between Sidereal Astrology and Tropical has NOTHING to do with the SEASONS.. It doesn't matter whether it's Spring or Fall when the Sun enters Aries anymore than it matters whether it's day or night.. the Sun is still in Aries whether it's too bright to see its neighboring stars. The major difference between Tropical and Sidereal Astrology is whether you follow the calendar like it's a road map of the intergalactic freeway and cruise control is effective OR whether you navigate sea of space by the stars still!!! See just like the planet tilts 60 degrees as it revolves around the sun each year our whole solar system does as well while it revolves around the galactic center.. it's called a wobble yeah? Well guess what you'd find out if you pulled out a boat transit and looked at the constellation maps?? THE CALENDER IS OFF BY 23 DEGREES!!! So.. now ya understand why we're breaking so many weather records this year!? How long have we been keeping record of the weather anyhow hmm?! About 2300 years or so perhaps? So there's @1 degree variation every hundred years or so and/or not 365 days a year. Wonder what else we haven't been bothering to pay attention to......  Sheep. Bah!


Mar 24, 2010

ignition - Asraiya spins Fire at Heaven

   Me doing just a freestyle/improv staff spin to a dj's dubstep set last Thursday night while hanging out with Ignition at Heaven celebrating NUG's birthday... Stuff's hard to dance to! Stay tuned for more with me and Ignition as well as Spinergy Arts is about to re-enter our gig season too ~  

Igni Natura Renevatu Integra!

Mar 22, 2010

my name's a double 'He'

Exodus 3:13-15
(13) And Mosheh said to Elohim, "See, when I come to the children of Yisra'el and say to them, ‘The Elohim of your fathers has sent me to you,' and they say to me, 'What is His Name?' what shall I say to them?"
(14) And Elohim said to Mosheh, "I am that which I am."(1) And He said, "Thus you shall say to the children of Yisra'el, 'I am has sent me to you.'" Footnote: 1The Hebrew text reads: 'eyeh 'asher 'eyeh, the word 'eyeh being derived from hayah which means to be, to exist, but the Aramaic text here in v. 14 reads: ayah ashar ayah. This is not His Name, but it is an explanation that leads up to the revelation of His Name in v. 15, יהוה namely.
(15) And Elohim said further to Mosheh, "Thus you are to say to the children of Yisra'el, 'יהוה Elohim of your fathers, the Elohim of Abraham, the Elohim of Yitshaq, and the Elohim of Ya'aqob, has sent me to you. This is My Name forever, and this is My remembrance to all generations.' 

Wow! Crazy! That's what I heard on top of the mountain known as "Herb of the Rock" or the property of Afri-I in NE Washington state where I was staying to study Rebirthing in November of 1997. I asked Great Spirit for my true name, the name of I who will or my Holy Guardian Angel incarnated in the flesh to do the Great Work here and now... Certainly not looking for the name of the most holiest holy but that which describes the holiest part of me! Suppose they are one and the same? Interesting epiphany about the modern Christian interpretation of the Bible and how God is thought to be a He or strictly a masculine archetype well He as in YHVH is feminine and translates into either the mother or the daughter as in those of the Earth who the Annunaki fornicated with and begot the sons of Earth... My birth name btw is Heather :)

That which has been will be. That which is done is what will be done and there is nothing new under the sun.

Mar 13, 2010

dire straits


  Well I'm not going to pitch my case here and now about the empathic pre-cognitive skills I possess and have had to deal with since I was in my early 20's.. as a matter of fact the more I learn and understand about astrology the less inclined I am to even bother trying to explain anything and just know and accept my road map as one of particular perplexity of which such traits are a given... So for the past 24 hours I've been ill at ease, a feeling I'm well acquainted with at this stage to be another one of those premonitions that I can never quite explain nor point a finger towards the source exactly until it fades away completely and then various reports find their way to me eventually so that I can piece it all together and confirm my intuition in a most unsatisfactory retrospective claim. Did that even make a lick of sense to anybody? No expectations! All I'm trying to say really is that I've been plagued with a bad feeling, not necessarily devastating but a painful sense of insecurity, isolation, and loss that is not 100% my own but either that of someone who is close to me but not at present is suffering emotionally or perhaps it's not so attached to me personally but instead on a larger scale which is why it's struck such an intimate and deeply vulnerable place within me because it's more universally shared.. and then it could be a betrayal aimed at me directly and so I've already begun to detach and disassociate myself as a defense mechanism. I'm almost positive that this New Moon in Pisces will deliver some sort of news that's hard to accept and bear! Soon too I  believe because it's been dissipating rapidly ever since the Sun came up the last hour or so... Yeah it sounds crazy but I don't really care what you or whoever thinks about me because it doesn't change it one bit whether you dare to believe or judge me with or without waiting to see if there's a reason I went out on a limb just now! I still have to recognize and reconcile with whatever the hell it is that I feel and right now it's completely isolated and utterly alone while standing in the middle of  about a million people...

Dialogue be damned

Whenever I reflect upon my short comings, paranoid thinking due to incidents of abuse in my formative years that shattered my trust, and the...