Jan 1, 2008


The Rothschilds and their increasingly large number of associates worked diligently through the 1800s to get a central bank established in the USA, for they would then reap a cornucopia of profits into perpetuity by lending money to government, to be repaid by future taxpayers at ever-compounding interest. They finally succeeded when, on December 23, 1913, Congress created the US Federal Reserve System. The old saying is, “Whoever controls the money, controls the nation.” Amselm Rothschild put it this way: "Give me the power to issue a nation's money, then I do not care who makes the law."

I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial Nation is controlled by a system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the Nation, therefore, and all its activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be the worse ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated Governments in the world—no longer a Government of free opinion, no longer a Government by conviction and vote by the majority, but the government by the opinion and duress of small groups of dominant men.
-President Woodrow Wilson

In the colonies, we issue our own paper money. It is called "Colonial Script." We issue it in proper proportion to make the goods pass easily from the producers to the consumers. In this manner, creating ourselves our own paper money, we control its purchasing power and we have no interest to pay to no one.

Astrological influences in Jan 08 last occured during the Great Depression but now it creates a Grand Cross with the Sun sign of the birth of the USA...

Dec 29, 2007


ENFP - "Journalist". Uncanny sense of the motivations of others. Life is an exciting drama. 8.1% of total population.
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Type Seven- The Enthusiast
The busy, productive type. Sevens are extroverted, optimistic, versatile, and spontaneous. Playful, high-spirited, and practical, they can also misapply their many talents, becoming over-extended, scattered, and undisciplined. They constantly seek new and exciting experiences, but can become distracted and exhausted by staying on the go. They typically have problems with impatience and impulsiveness. At their Best: they focus their talents on worthwhile goals, becoming appreciative, joyous, and satisfied.

Dec 19, 2007

Solsticing by your's Truly

A friend on LJ wrote to me:

> 93 ad infinitum.
> How hi are you? Oops, One means, hi how are you?
> All is well on one's planet. Possibly one did not
> mention that he lives upon a planet where christianity
> is breathing it's last gasp and almost completely
> eradicated. Well, one can still dream.
> Writing to possibly get your opinion on a Ritual one
> has revised for Winter Solstice. Have only revised
> the duties of 4 officers down to 2 officers (due to lack of people only.) All else is same. Will end with Resh Kephra and a recital of Liber A'ASH VEL CAPRICORNUS SUB FIGURA CCCLXX. All being performed outside beginning at dusk with large candle circle, altar and all other implements involved. Would appreciate the opinion of a fellow Thelemite and (not to mention) incredibly hot aspirant to universal mysteries. One has only performed L.B.R.P., Gnostic mass a few times and other basic Rituals. So, one finds himself pretty excited. Your collaberation and/or comment would be righteous. So, with that one shall push the little send button whilst imagining herds of cud-chewing, cattle like christians grazing in a large field of toxic grass in a Jim Jones type of mass suicide setting, all alieviating our beautiful world of their neurosis causing crapulous creeds.
> 93 Flame Goddess.

My response:


Hehehehe... Banishing ritual of the pentagram? You're up one on me! I have Priestessed 3 times at the Thelema Lodge in Ca. but I'm a natural mystic not a formal magickian, though I do ritual performances but it's all intuitive creating. The Star Ruby, Middle Pillar etc. is all gibberish to me and it makes me feel like fantasy convention/trekkie/D&D geek who can't stop goofing/giggling (gasp! : ) A ritual works best if it comes from the heart instead of reciting tongue twisting things you can't quite remember correctly on the spot suddenly and there's no right or wrong when it comes to some technicality as long as the intention is clear. I usually celebrate Winter Solstice by keeping a fire lit (bonfire or candle it matters not just a symbol for the light of the Sun) throughout the longest night of the year awaiting sunrise which I will greet in celebration, exhaustion, and relief!!!

Invite everybody regardless of their faith to witness and create a new tradition collectively...

93 93/93


Nov 13, 2007

Zero by Bill Heidrick

I think this is so beautiful like the truth shining through! It's an intro to his writing called "The Road to the Sun" about his work with The Tree of Life available at www.billheidrick.com


All things have one beginning and one ending. The end is the beginning. I was born into this world at 9:10 in the morning on August ninth, 1943 e.v. in Chico California and I have lived many lives since my birth. Some of these lives have been joyful, some have held the bitter pain of innocence, some have been blind anger, some have been filled with the softness of love. I have learned to hate. In hate I could find no one to hate but myself. The hate was great enough to teach love. The love was small enough to banish hate forever. Now love grows inexorably toward Chesed and that which is beyond all loves and hates, yet ever in love and ever the object of hate. No end and no beginning, yet the semblance of both. Drink deeply in these reflections and know yourself in me. We are one, you and I; and in our oneness we may transcend all and reach the great silence that is somehow everything and nothing. A truth so obvious may be a secret forever.

Let us make an oath never to deceive or willfully hide growing thoughts from one another. There are many secret lodges hiding in their secret thoughts. To know the tale and tell it not is death, and such lodges always die with their makers. True secrets keep themselves until gentle wooing brings them as lovers to our souls. There is no master of such mysteries save the master of the inmost self. Let us share this pledge, brothers and sisters: that light which comes to each of us let us share with any who are open to receive.

There is no jealous god or scheming devil to torment such as we. There are mysteries of great beauty behind these dull and grotesque masks. These masks have been made by half enlightened men who refuse to trod the next step on the way. They remain as bleached and grinning skulls to frighten children into false and stiffening maturity. There is no pain of evil and no sin save by clandestine agreement between half asleep self deceivers. There is no truth but only Truth. That truth we tend to all our lives. Enlightenment is not knowledge of truth; it is steady and continuing growth toward timelessness and perfection beyond the current perfection.

Let us bind ourselves in one more oath. Say anything, even judgments of one another; but let the judgments be soft words forgotten by the speaker as they are spoken. Let us not compare spiritual progress. Let us share our acts and joys, our sorrows and our yearnings; but let no one say: "My state is better than another's." Neither shall anyone say: "I lack the perfections of my brother." This is folly of the lowly sort. Let us partake of the folly of light and make no hateful comparisons. No one can truly know who stands higher and who lower beneath the open Eye of God. In matters of this world there are necessary comparisons to be made, but these mean nothing in the Great Work.

Still, such experiments and searches as we make may aid others to know themselves. Let us share such when we can. Our Order is a great one which has no bounds or rulers. It is the order of Beings and we are of the lodge of Humanity. There is no higher order and no more rightful lodge.

Nov 8, 2007

A.'.A.'.A on Indigos

I'm blue da bo dee da da

The reason indigos are associated with new age is because the new age movement started when the first tribe of us left high school and home and finally took a breath and looked around (94 for me) I so have a very strong aversion to my hippy dippy days and I hate "new age" because it was so annoying having to filter to all this tourist trap crap and sideshow rip-offs with people chaneling all this bullshit for a buck but it definately taught me real quick how to discern the way the truth feels opposed to illusion and especially lies! It was just a process of decompressing everyone here, kinda like alien entertainment, original hippies, rainbows, and those rastas that drilled it into my head over and over Babylon going down so we can go to Zion.. I can't believe I just noticed that Zion=156!! That's a coincidence of New Age proportions : ) musta been too in my face to see...

The thing I relate to the most about indigos is how I've always felt like it's me against the world but for the greater good no matter what. The idea of others fufills this need I have to know I'm not alone. Plus it fits the natural progression of evolution to move towards telepathy and then stop breeding so we can begin to communicate instead which is also evident genetically when homosexuality becomes a common defect (no judgement there whatsoever- I love gay guys! from a perpetuation of the species perspective it looks like the neccessity for breeding obviously is not so much..) If there was a global castastrophe right now I bet we would find that human females can immaculately conceive (aka virgin birth) like a magic trick or we were made in God's image who creates and has no sex, duh : )

See that's another trait that proves the indigos to me is we see through the veil (the third eye or binah=blue, chokmah=purple) as we remember what all the myths and symbols are suppose to remind us of instead of teach us some big secret we're unaware of. We can read the bluemap and understand how everything comes back around full circle and completes itself.


Dialogue be damned

Whenever I reflect upon my short comings, paranoid thinking due to incidents of abuse in my formative years that shattered my trust, and the...