Showing posts with label lovelorn. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lovelorn. Show all posts

Jul 30, 2015

a letter for an ex and his newest "love"

Hey Jeremiah ~

ARE YOU EVER GOING TO SPEND MORE THAN 2 MO AT A TIME OF EVERY 2 YEARS OF YOUR ENTIRE ADULT LIFE ACTUALLY SINGLE AND ALONE GETTING TO KNOW YOURSELF and maybe discover why can't stay with a woman for more than 2 years or at the very least confront and admit you have a problem with this ridiculously redundant pattern?! 

Jeremiah and Medea approx. 2 mo after he broke up with Brittany, they're in love. 

You might actually grow up in that time and learn to be honest with yourself so that you quit telling those hurtful lies that betray the trust of the people who open themselves up to be utterly annihilated by your immature role playing game of replicating your father instead of healing those wounds and transcending them. 

JJ and Brittany (left: approx. 2 mo after he broke up with me swearing he was going to stay single for a year... right: a year later around approx. their 1 year anniversary)

"If I live till I'm 102 just don't think I'll ever get over you..."

Me and Jeremiah (bottom 2: approx. 2 mo after he broke up with Amber.. on the L: the day we met when he told me he just got out of a relationship and was going to remain single for a year... Top L: our 1 year anniversary dinner celebration precisely a year to the day later..)

You're a destroyer of lives! I'm still not alright! Now you're dating a woman with a child, are you serious?! You're not. Tell her you're not. Tell her what you told me near the end, that you don't think you'll ever be married. That you habitually change women every 2 years like clockwork... Switch! 1-2 switch! That when you say "I unequivocally and irrevocably am in love you!" you lie! That contract will be revoked undubitously in 2 years ~ Medea,

Mark my words.. if ever there was a guarantee based on history it is this. Don't believe me cuz I'm just a psycho drug addled ex? Ask Rachel! She tried to warn me about it because I just like you thought he was my forever live happily ever after... See what comes next?

JJ and Amber 

There was a photo on her FB of the two of them that looked like a wedding photo but I don't remember her last name and this is surely enough creepy stalking/ psycho ex crap for one day... not to imply I do it often and/or intend to do it again! Seriously I'm not a total masochist. FB just placed you first in my "people you might know" and there I discovered merely maybe 3 months if even after I heard him and B split is someone pronouncing him "her love" and happiness. Who the fuck falls head over heels in love in less than 2 mo after being in love with someone else for 2 years? Have you ever been completely in love and then again almost immediately without at least 6 or so months to grieve, find yourself again, then meet somebody but insist you take it slowly?! What's the odds that someone could have such unbelievable luck in love??? Something's not right. I was left devastated and checked myself into rehab to prevent committing suicide. 6 months after I got out I started sorta seeing a rebound guy but he was rebounding too so we casually dated (only spent one night a weekend on average together) for 8 months and never uttered the ILY. After that about 1.5 yr clean when I realized it wasn't going to get any better, that I was still not over J, I relapsed...

"In the tapestry of fate each thread comes to an end." The Demoness returns to accept her fate except she is cursed, there is no redemption for her. No wings, no love, only acceptance and maybe peace after the decline of humanity.. Hope it's comforting. 

I'm trying to heal. I've been horribly damaged by him and haven't had a good healthy relationship since and I don't honestly know if I ever will trust and completely open my heart up to be in love ever again. He destroyed that. He was my one true love, I was just a Demoness he needed to fulfill his own selfish dream. He promised me that after I helped him launch AE he would help me with my play. Then we did AE again, and again, and again, and when I finally said "that's it! my turn now?" he was finished.

Protect your kid. He will never play house with you and be a family unit. His family is AraKus and despite all of his friends being married now, it will never happen! Don't delude yourself! Stand guard of your heart and most especially your child. Mine died (cat) 2 weeks after he left on xmas eve. Great punctuation to my tragedy, eh? I'll never understand why that had to happen that way. It was a symbolic death of my spirit and it's yet to be reborn fully transcended yet. Perhaps if I reach through to you and stop the pattern, prevent you from becoming so broken, maybe then I can finally let it go? I don't know, I don't know.... Blessed be. 

Jun 4, 2015

Happens to me every time...

I can't believe I fall for it every single time no matter how many times it's happened before! I don't think I'll ever learn or not hope for once I've found a real catch and we obviously can't teach men how not to effect us like this.. So let's say a guy hasn't msg'd or been around for a few days leaving you wondering if he's moved as he certainly hasn't been thinking of you like you have been him.. then finally sends a text with:

What are you up to tonight?

I, or let's just say the girl, always reads this as if it says:

Sorry I've been busy, babe, but I intend to make it up to you. What are you doing tonight?

When what he's saying is nothing of the sort. In fact, he thinks he's is totally being cool and considerate by out of the blue engaging her with totally meaningless idle chit chat. Whatever you are up to that evening is of no real concern to him whatsoever as he's just hoping to engage her in a conversation on any sort of random topic that's NOT what he has been up to nor what he's actually doing himself that evening but he knows if he doesn't text her at all a 3rd night in a row she will certainly question his modus operandi as she'll want to know why he hasn't checked in. "What are you up to tonight?" isn't a date proposal as she delights in the notion of, he already has plans and he hoped that she has some herself by now so she's the one who's got a problem with fomo. She however has awaited this feeling of alas a lawless victory! So she responds with something cheerful and casual yet assumes the prize is in her bag:

Going crazy.. wanting to see you! Come watch that movie or do that thing you said earlier we'd do sometime this week and you have to work the rest of it other than tonight, right?


No response for a couple hours as he struggles with how he can possibly tell her the truth is he made plans with his bros he works with and sees every other day of the week on his one night off instead of meaning what he said he'd do. He simply though saying it would placate her and she'd get bored I guess and find someone else to help her with the task she only asked him to help her with as an excuse to spend some time being sweet to him.. Meanwhile she has proceeded to get into the shower or start making them both dinner or tidying up in prep for his imminent arrival he's only waiting to determine which bus he can catch before giving her an accurate eta... He responds off topic trying to turn that tactic into an 0 for 3 as successful stalling.

What time is your thing tomorrow?


I'll try to make it but I have to switch my shift at work. 

You're not coming over tonight are you?


Now she feels worse than she would have if she hadn't even heard from him instead of being lifted by her wishes, hopes, and spoken promises... and then dropped back down to Earth causing another crack to appear in her heart.

Jul 30, 2014

Are love spells bad if YOU don't cast them?

Here. It's just a sparkly fairy. What harm could a sparkly fairy be really? My first tattoo was a green fairy sitting on my shoulder. The root of my name is Asrai which are faeries that turn to water when captured. Reconciliation with a liar, huh? Is that what I really want? More than reconciliation I'd like an explanation, and most of all a proper good bye at the very least. I believe that anyone who has intimately bonded and shared love and special times with me owes me that much respect! I go kind of hysterical when partners fail to SEVER ties without ritual genuine closure. They're running around doing all kinds of things with strings still attached to me so I can feel all of it as if it's being blatantly done in front of my face intentionally to hurt and punish me for some wrong thing I didn't know I'd done... maddening!! Instead of a complete full circle feeling of surrender and cord cutting and being better off for the meeting and thankful for the gift of time and reflecting.

REUNITE. Or cut the cords with a face to face honest heart open truthful conversation, a few tears, a hug and good bye I'll love you always and someday be a good friend you know you can TRUST.

NOT a dick coward who was the only person I trusted said they loved me and yet bald face lied and betrayed me leaving me more damaged than I was before knowing your sweetness!


Free Make Up Spells
Free Make Up Spells

Jul 24, 2014

Breaths can't collapse if you hold them

Every time I look at you I think about how much I'll miss you when you pass away. I want to freeze every frame into the machine of my brain so I may gaze longingly at these pictures of you and not watch them decay. Don't go, true love, please stay! If there's ever a way to stop my dreams from happening I wish to stop this one but I'm too wise to know I should focus on the quality of life and not the time. Be still my mind and better still, be blind. 

Jun 29, 2014

True Love and the one that got away.. the story of my Parents

  I seldom tell this story because it's a rather long story as far as what can typically hold most people's attention involuntary. I save it for the people who randomly happen to know enough about me to be intrigued as to my upbringing. As a Gemini rising, I'm all about dichotomy. I'm very humble, rational, realistic, and grounded yet a total fucking princess spoiled brat who will probably never live up to her fantastical expectations. It's very rare but it happened tonight that a friend asked me about my parents. My parents are not only still married but they have the most romantic fairy tale meant to be love story! It's priceless!! Yet as amazing as it may be it makes me feel cursed.. because I have such an incredible thing to live up to. Especially now me being well past the age my parents were when they had me which was 5 whole years after they married mind you and yet I'm still single. I feel utterly disparaged yet never ungrateful nor undetermined because I know something majestically magical brought me into this world. Despite being born so unreasonably premature I would never have made it without a (incubator or some other) mix of medicine & hyper modern machinery, there's no doubt that the Fates gave their blessing. The story is pretty fucking amazing and will never cease to bring a tear to my eye and a flutter to even the most callous of cold hearts because that is our nature as humans beings to believe all our fantasies will eventually become our reality. Who am I to say nay.. I say, "yea, so mote it be!"

mom and dad dating
  So my mom's high school sweetheart of several years was as many years her senior and upon her graduation from high school he finished college and accepted a job in another state. So for whatever was the reason which was a highly evolved decision they agreed to being able to see other people the first year. My mom took a job as a switch board operator she and a girlfriend interviewed for together in a downtown building in Atlanta with a different company occupying each floor full of young adults eager to explore the possible social prospects to be found in the onsite lunchtime cafeteria. My mom's friend was a butterfly always chatting with anyone willing to receive and talking about her most recent dating experience, offering to set my mother up as soon as she was remotely interested.

I think they're still happy together
  Well my mother had in fact run into this one fair man and had her eyes kept on the lookout for him ever since. She had determined at this point which company or which floor he worked on so she agreed to be set up on a blind date with him. Twice she was horribly disappointed to discover her date of choice was in fact not my dad before she finally managed to get the right man. Instantly smitten they both were and within months dad offered her his fraternity pen (akin to a promise/class ring, or varsity jacket etc). My grandmother and family were concerned about this new development and called her high school sweetheart to warn him. So when Christmas came around he showed up secretly unannounced with a ring and proposed her hand in marriage. So my mom accepted her high school sweetheart and broke my father's heart and moved on to spend years with a suspected womanizer.

still love bugs 45 years later

  5 years later after finding proof of her husband's infidelity she left and moved back to Atlanta and got her own apartment and a new job downtown. Somehow within the first year she came across a Georgia Tech alumni directory from one of my dad's fraternal brothers. Immediately she looked up my father's name and called him at his home in Cincinnati. He told her he was happily married and had a little girl named Cynthia Gail (my mother goes by Gail.. oh and it was the rebound girl he managed to get pregnant so my dad being the most honorable father I've ever known did "the right thing" and married her) Disappointed in that oh so familiar notion that poems and songs were written "give all I've got for just one more shot at the one that got away" my mother gave her blessings and a blessed be.

me with my big sister at Tetons national park

  6 months later.. My father calls and says he and his wife have separated and were getting a divorce and he had a airline ticket for that weekend for her to come visit. They've been together ever since ~ 43 years now! Not a day passes that I will accept nothing less will happen someday for me, unfortunately or thankfully yet remains to be seen. I have faith that none can ever take from me and the heart of a mystic indigo child that bears the promise and a key of days to come with nothing left but peace as we lay our burdens down for love and harmony or death. Whatever may be we will receive, yea, we will receive.

mom, dad, my sister Cindi, her husband Art, and their children plus me, the black sheep... in 2006

Nov 13, 2013

turkey jerkin compost ramble on RANT!

Wild Turkey my totem right now
***background info for anyone else who reads this: I got kicked out of the fire circle/performance area at seacompression the weekend before last.... stupid unfair series of events basically. I dropped my cigarette butt 3 feet from the no smoking/fuel zone/fence line on my way back into it (actually it was around the side by the propane art sculpture things were, you had to cross about 10-15 meters from there to get anywhere near our lidded flammable liquid containers..) the wind blew and rolled it to within inside the fence about a 1/4 inch ~ strike one. I was desperate for some water for my sore throat/dry mouth sinus drainage exasperated by riding there on a motorcycle with no face shield! there was none. I kid you fucking not! I think the only place that had bottles of water at this rave party was the first aid station so I guess you had to hit serious dehydration levels before your only choice was something other than alcohol (or virgin cocktails if you're way smarter and less nervous than me before a performance..) so just before I dropped that cigarette I was running around looking for water in a panic because we went from having 45 min to 15 min suddenly as somebody made the decision to penalize us for being there on time and close to ready so the troupe who didn't have their shit together for whatever reason could relax 45 min and have our time slot... where was I? Yes, begging for water at the bar that wasn't open yet who told me I had to go inside and wait 20 min in line in there about 2 min after our set wasn't originally but was now suppose to start... Panicked! Okay they'll help me but they don't have any water.. how about I make you a cocktail she said? uh... gin & tonic... light on the gin, I'm performing like right NOW. yay, moisture for my mouth.. just drop cigarette, run in, take sip, set down and let's do this shit (fire show, baby!) woo....... guess the rest?
My best image from Seacompression :(

**that was a week and a half ago.. Monday my fire partner performing boyfriend and I break up because Saturday he tells me next weekend he has plans on Fri to take this girl he knows because she bartends at a bar he drinks at a lot out and show her around Pioneer Square because she's never been. AND I can't come because he doesn't want HER to feel like the third wheel (yeah, awful being single hanging out with people in relationships, right?) later he tells me she isn't single but of course my double date (her boyfriend or a 4th friend since they're just friends why can't we all be friends..) was shut down the sec I mentioned it.. really, now that I think about it ONLY A SINGLE PERSON CAN EVER BE A 3RD WHEEL!? he WAS utterly lying to me!! sob trying to slip back into some poly amorous crap without being mature enough to have a conversation about it?
A third wheel is usually called "your Spare"

*anyway, ur caught up now.. this started as a note to a girlfriend that I thought maybe I'd re-write and send to him.. the part about the fire show no no being such a deeply profound wound worse than I imagined.. but he doesn't give a fuck, he just wants to stick his little penis in Ballard bartender bitches! obviously wanting me to feel better is FAR from his agenda!
Screw you, your bike, and the 3rd wheel

so weird keeping up appearances for what feels at this point like an imaginary unreal fantasy thing ~ my fire troupe that I'm not allowed to perform in but elected myself the leader of regardless when there's nobody left in it (well except for T__ who uses the permit for Sat night gigs at Q) especially now that S__ and I broke up. huh, hasn't sunk in yet that really happened.. can't believe it :/ I've never been an insecure/jealous girlfriend before! but I've never been cut off from fire dancing, 86'ed from the fuel area like a dumb drunken redneck, and not allowed to do the one thing I live to do after 6 weeks of stressful preparation ~ perform! I live to perform! I am a fire performer! that's what I do, that's what I am! take that away from me and suddenly I'm an insecure pitiful puppet of a wannabe girlfriend that is suddenly terrified that everything I've ever been secure or confident about could drop like a cigarette ash and blow away...
Ouroboros chicken

I feel like a phoenix who's not about to rise from ash but has been stuffed, basted, and broiled up for holiday dinner!? this is new territory for me. how do you hold on to your dreams when your wing is some kid's wishbone? compost.. how does a phoenix rise up from compost? not a very sparkly myth now, eh? stinks worse than poop! oh but trust in your greasy tarragon flavored flimsy boiled boned wings that are probably somewhere in this heap that they will flap again and lift you into maybe a barn or at least some hay...... yep :|
Nobody loves me. Guess I'll go eat worms!

and suddenly S__ insists I should have trust in him, him going out with girls all the time (that probably have a job or something that makes them worthy feeling, therefore acting, therefore attractive, therefore a threat! I'm a chicken bone.. not a woman) is just something I have to deal with.. wow, really? right now? can't give me another week maybe before you ditch me in misery? I know he's young and was attracted to the big upcoming exciting fire show permit holding hot dancing woman.. so I couldn't help but feel like he's trying to blow me off & trying to go on a date w/ someone now that I have no more shows to offer and our big exciting sexy moment turned into me shitting in my pants and him having to take me home & change my diapers......

trying to point out how I feel right now hoping that he cares enough to try to understand and will be sympathetic & humanly compassionate in his behavior, judgment, treatment and actions (specifically.. make a point to make me feel included and never unwelcomed or a 3rd wheel) ~ backfired completely! only made me more pathetic, and less attractive to him, and made him want to spend even less time with me and even more likely to make ever more plans that don't include me, widen his social circles further beyond my reaches, and brazen his adamant independence...

fml! I have nothing in the world to be confident, proud, or secure about right now. I would dump me too! not sexy.. heh, at least I can always laugh at myself.... that's something! maybe..? I do have a knack for being able to pull myself out of the thick of shit and look at my self predicament from all perspectives including an inner comedian sketch artist looking for material.. we laugh because otherwise it hurts too much! maybe it hurts so much because otherwise we wouldn't laugh?
Didn't I try this once and hated it?
hmm, deep thoughts by... I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and gosh darnit people like me. not funny! squished tomatoes flying at you to compost, ya turkey! compost, turkey, phoenix sounds like some serious alchemy animal medicine... Give away, burn off the dross, trust the process! I want a turkey feather tattoo. this has gone from rant to weird to random to absurd to madness... MUAHAHAHAHAH! Gobble gobble :P (few more..) Bahlasti Ompedha! Birds crap on your stupid head! and OM NAMAH SHIVAYA, SHIVAYA NAMAH OM
The Destroyer

Oct 25, 2013

DREAM: the other woman

Damnit! Why do I keep dreaming about Jxxx & Bxx? It's like the 3rd time this week! Why does it keep happening?

It's usually just me hanging out with them in a large group setting but kinda forcibly like we're all sleeping on the floor of their bedroom.. Jx is always really nice like we're good friends and Bxx is always weird and caddy about it.

There's always a bed, that's one of the consistent dream symbols. There's always a conversation with them in bed but they're lying on opposite ends of like a queen size bed as if they don't want to make me uncomfortable by being close together and that could be understandably why she's annoyed. I would be too! But why do I keep dreaming this?? Is it just some sorta unconscious need to feel or know that my connection with him is different and unique from what they share? I know that already! I don't know need to have it acted out on the dreambox sound soap stage to know that! I am gaining some satisfaction from seeing her annoyed and feeling slightly threatened by me, she did hit on him and flirted with him right in front of me! But it's making me really annoyed and uncomfortable! I feel like I need to apologize for the intrusion. I want nothing to do with them and their lives! I am perfectly content with only getting the absolute vaguest and extremely occasional news report which consist of nothing more than they're still together, he still lives in Mxxx, she still lives on Cxx, he still works in Seattle. Yesterday his brother informed me (me as well as all his FB friends) that he switched xx clinics to one in Gxxx or lake somewhere around there. That tidbit of info shouldn't trigger an intimate dream conversation, right? They're so real too and I feel like this setting is being forced on me too although in the dream I effectively play the aggressor ~ cool, calm, and confident, like I'm actively trying to make waves in their relationship but the truth is I don't want to be there and I'm torn apart on the inside. I'm just trying to do my best to handle the situation with dignity and the wedge that's lodged is all Bxx. She could have easily gone on the offense and clung to him and made me a pithy wreck where I couldn't even look nor speak to him.

Is this practice for some reason? Am I going to be forced to be a part of their lives again? Or is this just Venus in retrograde plus conjunct my natal Venus stuff? (plus Merc, Sun, Pluto all conjunct or nearly conjunct the same aspect in Capricorn which is my 8th house..) Of course the astrology is influencing it but that fact still doesn't tell me why is it playing out in this particular way for me nor is this a premonition like nearly all my realistic dreams (combined w/symbolism though never straight envisioned as will happen precisely) OR unconscious healing and processing or revenge like XX said? 

I don't get it. I'm sick of it! I want answers now. Angel send me insight! Please and thank you for your presence... Om

Dec 15, 2011

fault line

Never let someone be your everything because then you will be left with nothing...

Dialogue be damned

Whenever I reflect upon my short comings, paranoid thinking due to incidents of abuse in my formative years that shattered my trust, and the...