Showing posts with label flash mob. Show all posts
Showing posts with label flash mob. Show all posts

Feb 27, 2015

Staging a Spectacle in Seattle 2015

I realized every time I've ever sat down and made an actual list of goals to achieve within a reasonable time frame, not being overly ambitious, but set it out there on paper.. I've always accomplished them! So one of my goals for this year is to stage a public improvised theatrical stunt or SPECTACLE inspired mostly by the work of NY based group Improv Everywhere.  You've probably heard of by now about the No Pants Light Rail that's happened 4 years in a row in Seattle? Well that's actually in sync with these guys as it's officially a global wide stunt/event. Here is just a tiny little taste of what their thing is all about ~

more videos available HERE!

So far I've considered the possibility of doing a "silent rave or disco", there's a whole slew of successfully tried/tested/and proven ones that the crew has done in NY and we would fully have their permission and endorsement to do.. and I just came across this idea that I absolutely LOVE also coming out of NYC and that's called ShakesBEER which combines 2 of my most favorite things in the world which is traditional Shakespeare & beer! I love how creator Ross Williams explains it here on ~

Might I suggest a rehearsal exercise? After every line add “Amiright?” and address it to someone in the room. “To be, or not to be, that is the question. Amiright?”

How they do it is they sell tickets in advanced so they have a controllable # of participants that probably helps sell it to bar owners but basically it's a pub crawl with a different act or scene performed at each bar. That would require a larger more dire hard committed group of helpers who not only must be as excited as me to take on this project but also talented  actors as well so this one might be ambitious at my current state of community though... 

BTW.. if you live around the PNW and you'd like to get involved on one of my projects or have any ideas or thoughts to contribute to creatively sussing out what we should do..


Jan 16, 2012



K first off since you can't see all of me in my "Born This Way" video.. Watch this one for what's going on in the first part (except the timing changed slightly so that you're wagging your hips until "right track" or 5, 6 and sliding down your body on "baby I was born.." 7, 8)

Then I think you can see the rest of it here. There's a 4 count just before we step together step touch (snaps) for you to just give some attitude like "yeah, we kicked ass.." heh

I am ready to record "Marry the Night" asap! But for now this is my inspiration version for you to watch and MIRROR until you get mine hopefully by the end of the night...

Check back here for updates! Costume details! Call time on Wednesday! Plan to meet up early that day so we can work out our formations, who starts when, and run it several times to make sure we're on the same foot/page!!

Oct 21, 2011

Occupy Seattle: Day of 1,000 Umbrellas

Occupy Seattle
This is illegal in Westlake park in Seattle because umbrellas touching the ground constitutes a structure and since no camping is allowed then you're not allowed to have an umbrella structure if it's raining and you're say sitting and waiting for a bus...

Yes, it's utter silliness but somebody has to have fun and not be too serious about every single aspect of the 99% movement especially today, Sat 10/22, since there's a police brutality march happening earlier on.. So need mummery ~ I present to you, yours truly!

Dialogue be damned

Whenever I reflect upon my short comings, paranoid thinking due to incidents of abuse in my formative years that shattered my trust, and the...