Showing posts with label constitution. Show all posts
Showing posts with label constitution. Show all posts

Jan 27, 2018

It is not okay to HATE Feminists!!

I sometimes feel like I really am living in the Emerald City, not the pleasant nickname of Seattle, but in the merry land of Oz populated by mostly midgets because this world we all are living in now is not the same one I grew up in. πŸ’ Sure, I've been an adult for 20 years and in those 20 years technology has changed just about everything but for the most part it has brought the human race closer towards a general consensus about certain things such as this declaration written in 1848:
We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men and women are created equal; that they are endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
Living on Earth approx. 40 years ago in the USA one thing was adamantly taught to us children and made perfectly clear to me: Women are equal to Men and are to be treated with respect and dignity. So why or how all of a sudden now in 2018 I'm told by one of my tinder matches that he's "not interested in feminists." 😐 Is this part of the Russian brainwashing that managed to get Trump elected? I don't care how much you might hate Hilary Clinton for whatever reason, she was not at all campaigning on a platform of feminism! I have to say I respect her for that because she too thought that would have been backwards and her actual real experience in politics would stand for itself. Apparently not because any man right now would launch into some crooked corruption rhetoric which will be funny once Mueller's investigation is done and we all know just how crooked Trump is. Maybe they both are/were? Doesn't matter! It was a year ago.

compliments of 

When the term feminism first entered English toward the mid-19th century, it meant “feminine qualities or character,” a sense no longer in use. (Its companion term, feminist, also entered the language around that time, but it is not certain whether it was then used to mean anything other than “feminine or womanly.”)However, toward the end of the 19th century, both feminism and feminist unambiguously took on their modern meanings related to equal rights for women.

To say that you hate feminist is saying you won't tolerate a woman standing up for her personal rights: the right to be the only one who says what she can and can't do with her body throughout the course of her life. Women are not men's property like a pet or a slave to use and control! Women should also be paid equal to men because gone are the days of hard manual labor where it could maybe have been said woman are less productive in lifting large objects. Anyone sitting on their ass staring at a computer all day for work is no more or less superior for having a penis attached. Men don't want a test comparison in productivity between genders anymore because you know you would be shamed but women don't wish to harm your fragile egos! They just want an equal chance at the pursuit of happiness if they're going to have to go the whole way alone and not work together with an equal partner which is looking like it lately πŸ˜”πŸ’”...

This brings me to dating but no, finishing politics first. There seems to be this perception of a hairy armed hippie chic from the 70's or bull dyke lesbian man hater in the eyes of straight hetero cis men (gay guys will just giggle at you if you look to them for back-up and maybe say "ew!" but they mean that differently than you'd assume..) I am not going to get into abortion here other than to say that it is used to divide women from those who realize God is obviously not going to intervene when it comes to our life here on Earth and when you are poor struggling to eat and have somewhere to live, you know sometimes in order to survive you have to make decisions for what you emotionally & physically can handle. If you are being abused by a man whom you fear may kill you and pregnant with his child, the smartest choice for your survival is escape with no ties to him at all so that you have the full support of the law behind you. Everyone knows that child legally binds you to a person for 18 years unless they waive their own rights or have them removed by a court of law. Both options are extremely hazardous to either your emotional and/or physical safety especially if you can barely feed yourself and can only stay somewhere if you're quiet and not annoying anybody. πŸ˜©πŸ™…

another inspirobot 

There have been a very small handful of ultra conservative politically or religiously motivated women who have claimed under pressure of men most likely, or their party to say they are not "feminist" which means they are Stepford Wives. Seriously! This does not make it okay to try to be divisive on the word "feminism" which once again means "having the characteristics associated with females" as in being into girly stuff. It's okay for you to say you didn't play with dolls and you don't wear pink but it's not okay to say on a dating site where you're trying to persuade women to at the very least have sex with you that you hate women who wear pink and you're not interested in them if they're into it.


Do you think that the world will honestly be a better place if we go back to the days when women are owned by their husbands and you only get the one and that's it but they will do whatever you want them to do without any game? If you want "variety" you have to go fight another one's husband so no more bro-mances, you're mortal enemies in defending your fortress you had to build by yourself with your hands... See! Women's equality isn't so bad now, is it? πŸ™†✌

yup, inspirobot duh..

Apr 6, 2017

Let us talk rationally about conspiracy 

Why are conspiracy "theories" so popular on the internet? What provokes ordinary humans to get drawn into researching them? Could it be that nagging gut instinct that something is amiss? Fear. 

Let's look at the facts ~

1.) 1 in 100 of every American is a diagnosed clinical sociopath and these are only those who confess to a psychologist. source:

2.) 0.36% of the world's population own more than $50 million which is more money than they can ever spend in a lifetime if they tried and their children tried and their grandchildren tried because let's say if they spent it all they would be rewarded another $50 million.. They couldn't and of course they're not trying to spend it and instead invest it into more wealth and power with a lust that shows no remorse. Meanwhile 71% of the population owns less than $10 grand which is the recommended "emergency savings" not an actual retirement fund. source: 

3.) 23% have far, far less than $10 grand in savings. In fact, 23% of Americans struggle and will continue to struggle indefinitely just to bring their accumulated life's net worth value back to the $0 they were born with. I would call this volunteer or more likely coerced slavery considering that the odds are stacked against them given the current rate of inflation, interest rates, and the average wage increase compared to the rate of inflation or costs of living are nowhere near an ideal match. Not to mention credit card interest rates compared to savings account growth which is easily annihilated by overdraft fees which this 23% know about all too well. I know! I paid my bank $140 for the month of March and was literally starving 5 days of it but I am not in this category as I have zero dollars net worth opposed to negative $10 grand. source:

So from these 3 facts we can draw irrefutable conclusions that are also facts. This is known as circumstantial evidence and it is precisely what every day is used by a Court of Law to convict criminals. Circumstantial evidence is equal to eyewitness testimony. This is by way of the constitution that set in place a government of the people, for the people, and by the people. But who really controls the facts or rather our perception of these facts? What's the difference between the conjecture of something labeled a "theory" and something declared an "official" agreed upon irrefutable "fact". Acknowledgement of the press. Do I even need to dig up the facts on who owns the press or is it safe to say now that we have a common household term of "fake news" that there is in fact a conspiracy to control our perception and enslave us to suffer endlessly at the hands of overly greedy, malicious, evil sociopaths? I have proven it beyond a shadow of a doubt. Now, what are we going to do about it?

They know if we stop believing in the system then we will starve to death. They don't care, they laugh and pat themselves on the back taking joy in how brilliant their plan is taking effect. They also know that our emotions are our weakness and stress will likely kill us before we are able to organize ourselves into a more powerful mass. Let us begin to think of a simple solution to take our lives and our world's bountiful resources back. We know where the source of power lies: The banking industry and the federal reserve.

What fuels it? The internet or world wide web we're all caught in like dolphins in a tuna net. What if we flick the switch? Let us contemplate the greater good and the end result of short term suffering vs. long term if not infinite slavery and continual suffering. Or maybe our God the Sun/Son will save us. I'll pray for us and I'm a rational agnostic which is why I refer to Jesus as Sol. This opinion matters not and does not negate a single fact as we are united in one common denominator:

"We the people of the United States of America, in order to form a more perfect union... with Liberty and Justice for all."

Dialogue be damned

Whenever I reflect upon my short comings, paranoid thinking due to incidents of abuse in my formative years that shattered my trust, and the...