Showing posts with label aeterno elementum. Show all posts
Showing posts with label aeterno elementum. Show all posts

Jan 7, 2016

secret AWESOME archive VIDEO of epic fantasy rock opera staging

Randomly found this AMAZING ORIGINAL EPIC FOOTAGE uploaded onto my google+ account.. which I'm excited about because it's part of the archive that all traces of was removed from existence because of some drama... I won't go into detail other than it didn't involve me in the slightest but was very upsetting for me personally on top of the already completely crippling heartbreak & abandonment but anyways, I'm uploading this here as I have every right to use it as found footage taken by Brad's father who had permission to film his son acting, and I received an okay from Andrea, plus Jeremiah gave me permission to present whatever I have as part of body of my work as an actor on this project and it's part of an era of my life that I will always cherish and be very, very proud of as well!!


This clip begins with acapella choral piece, newly written "Silence and Darkness" sung by lead soprano Andrea A Williams & chorus, a dialogue scene with the Priest and Generals, then the first ever staging of the Fire General as "The Actor" combining the samurai element with a kabuki theater sordid love affair with the shogun's wife (my idea I must claim! since I was never credited for contributing ANYTHING as far as the "official" online history goes where to this day there's no mention of my name except for John the writer credits me for providing photographs before describing how vastly improved the show is now compared to last.. not insulted by that but I do think it's fair that I'm recognized and listed somewhere as THE ORIGINAL CAST!) the intro for "LURE OF THE FLAMES" ~ THE FIRST TIME WE EVER GOT TO USE FIRE ON STAGE ~ Huzzah!! heh.. Cheers :P ~ Asraiya

official website ~

Feb 6, 2014

The Original Demoness

of Aeterno Elementum the heavy metal opera by AraKus who starred in 4 major productions yet not a word nor image exist to show of her online anymore...

never forget the ones who believed in you and were there to see you through no matter what you did or do...

Dec 3, 2011


if only I'd known it was my last I'd maybe done something different or at least breathed in the moment more fully...

It's colder than before
The seasons took all they had come for
Now winter dances here
It seems so fitting don't you think?
To dress the ground in white and grey

It's so quiet I can hear
My thoughts touching every second
That I spent waiting for you
Circumstances affords me
No second chance to tell you
How much I've missed you

My beloved do you know
When the warm wind comes again
Another year will start to pass
And please don't ask me why I'm here
Something deeper brought me
Than a need to remember

We were once young and blessed with wings
No heights could keep us from their reach
No sacred place we did not soar
Still, greater things burned within us
I don't regret the choices that I've made
I know you feel the same

My beloved do you know
How many times I stared at clouds
Thinking that I saw you there
These are feelings that do not pass so easily
I can't forget what we claimed as ours

Moments lost though time remains
I am so proud of what we were
No pain remains, no feeling
Eternity awaits
Grant me wings that I might fly
My restless soul is longing
No pain remains, no feeling
Eternity awaits

~VNV Nation

Nov 4, 2011

whither the Demoness wails

There is no other day or night than this.
Thou shalt inspire the proud ones with infinite pride,
and the humble ones with an ecstasy of abasement;
all this shall transcend the Known and the Unknown

Thou art like a lonely pillar in the midst of the sea;
there is none to behold Thee
I too am the Soul of the desert;
thou shalt seek me yet again in the wilderness of sand.
Even as evil kisses corrupt the blood,
so do my words devour the spirit of man.

I breathe, and there is infinite dis-ease in the spirit.
Thou hast fastened the fangs of Eternity in my soul,
and the Poison of the Infinite hath consumed me utterly.

Then, O then call not to thy view that visible
Image of Nature; fatal is her name!
It fitteth not thy Body to behold
That living light of Hell,
The unluminous, dead flame,
Until that body from the crucible
Hath passed, pure gold!

There is a beauty unspeakable in this heart of corruption,
where the flowers are aflame.

Ah me!
The thirst of Thy joy parches up this throat,
so that I cannot sing.
Beckons, and with inverted torch doth stand
To lead us with a gentle hand
Into the Land of the Great Departed,

Into the Silent Land, I came to the house of the Beloved.
Therefore Thou art mine, even now and for ever and for everlasting. Amen.

Oct 21, 2011

Occupy Seattle: Day of 1,000 Umbrellas

Occupy Seattle
This is illegal in Westlake park in Seattle because umbrellas touching the ground constitutes a structure and since no camping is allowed then you're not allowed to have an umbrella structure if it's raining and you're say sitting and waiting for a bus...

Yes, it's utter silliness but somebody has to have fun and not be too serious about every single aspect of the 99% movement especially today, Sat 10/22, since there's a police brutality march happening earlier on.. So need mummery ~ I present to you, yours truly!

Aug 9, 2011

Gigs, gigs, gigs!

Tonight! Then Fri or Sat (gotta check) gig in the Bremerton area, Mike's friend's party of something to that extent.. Then Mon 8/15 ~

Then.. Aeterno Elementum III pay what you can ~
Then hopefully I'll get back to working on GSBL!!

Mar 8, 2011

Beauty behold



THERE is a woman, young, and beautiful, and wise, who grows not old as she dances down the centuries: she was in the beginning, and she will be in the end, ever young, ever enticing, and always inscrutable. Her back is to the East and her eyes are towards the night, and in her wake lieth the world. Wherever she danceth, there man casteth the sweat from his brow and followeth her. Kings have fled their thrones for her; priests their temples; warriors their legions; and husbandmen their ploughs. All have sought her; yet ever doth she remain subtle, enticing, virginal. None have known her save those little ones who are born in the cave under the cavern; yet all have felt the power of her sway. Crowns have been sacrificed for her; gods have been blasphemed for her; swords have been sheathed for her; and the fields have lain barren for her; verily! the helm of man's thoughts has been cloven in twain by the magic of her voice. For like some great spider she has enticed all into the silken meshes of her web, wherein she hath spun the fair cities of the world, where sorrow sits tongueless and laughter abideth not; and tilled the fertile plains, where innocence is but as the unopened book of Joy. Yet it is she also who hath led armies into battle; it is she who hath brought frail vessels safely across the greedy ocean; it is she who hath enthroned priests, crowned kings, and set the sword in the hand of the warrior; and it is she who hath helped the weary slave to guide his plough through the heavy soil, and the miner to rob the yellow gold from the bowels of the earth. Everywhere will you find her dancing down empires, and weaving the destiny of nations. She never sleeps, she never slumbers, she never rests; ever wakeful, day and night, her eyes glisten like diamonds as she danceth on, the dust of her feet burying the past, disturbing the present, and clouding the future. She was in Eden, she will be in Paradise! 

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Dialogue be damned

Whenever I reflect upon my short comings, paranoid thinking due to incidents of abuse in my formative years that shattered my trust, and the...