Mercer's School Staff 1958 ~ London, England or perhaps HOGWARTS? What's with the giant on the right?! Holy shit.
Since I live on Mercer Street in the Mercer Apartments and my grandfather's surname was Mercer I decided to do a little ancestry digging for spiritual Work purposes and fell into this massive mess I don't know what to make of it. Mercer supposedly is one who sold basically merchandise or mercery that seems to indicate fabric of great import such as silk from the east so novelty fashion shops essentially and it's very generic like Smith can mean a million things. The only thing I found interesting in the etymology as it seems to be connected to me to Mercury as the Latin root of it is "merc" or "merx" which does make sense certainly that I can connect it to Mercurial Hermeticism as it established this Company in London and eventually came to be something oddly resembling the Freemasons in that they called themselves "Freemen" and completely lost their connection to merchants of fancy fabric same as the Masonic Lodge isn't all that connected at all to laying bricks and modern architecture but only uses the connection in convenient dogma such as claiming connection to the pyramid builders even though you're a bunch of white European descenders living in America and focus on business and capitalism and not so much in buildings like Donald Trump, but just money and fraternity shhhh.... !
I did discover that John Dee was a member of the Worshipful Company of Mercers by patrimony.. yay. Not sure if that means anything because I'm putting my foot down when it comes to researching these 12 great companies of London Inc. other than noting what the numerology and great Seals of each say. Like our Virgin Mistress scarlet Columbia aka Liberty Lady here ~
The Second Charter confirmed the 1394 Charter and granted a common seal to be used in business transactions. The seal motif was the Mercer Maiden which is the emblem or heraldic device of the Mercers' Company. The imprint from the 1425 seal is the earliest known depiction of the Mercer Maiden. The Mercers' Maiden is the symbol and coat of arms of the Company. She first appears on a seal in 1425. Her precise origins are unknown, and there is no written evidence as to why she was chosen as the Company’s emblem. |
Astraea abandoned the earth during the Iron Age. Fleeing from the new wickedness of humanity, she ascended to heaven to become the constellation Virgo. The nearby constellation Libra, reflected her symbolic association with Dike, who in Latin culture as Justitia is said to preside over the constellation. In the Tarot, the 8th card, Justice, with a figure of Justitia, can thus be considered related to the figure of Astraea on historical iconographic grounds. According to legend, Astraea will one day come back to Earth, bringing with her the return of the utopian Golden Age of which she was the ambassador.
Hmm.. so like Ma'at? YHVH much... indeed.
"iam nova progenies caelo demittitur alto.
tu modo nascenti puero, quo ferrea primum
desinet ac toto surget gens aurea mundo,
casta fave Lucina; tuus iam regnat Apollo."